Book: The Secret of the Rose

History Lessons

Posted by on Aug 13, 2014 in American History, Book: The Secret of the Rose, Children's Literature, Educators & Librarians, Nonfiction, Thomas Jefferson | 0 comments

Thomas Jefferson: President and Philosopher by Jon Meacham, adapted for young readers by Sarah L. Thomson

Thomas Jefferson: President and Philosopher by Jon Meacham, adapted for young readers by Sarah L. Thomson

Exciting to receive in the mail recently an advance reader’s copy of Thomas Jefferson: President and Philosopher. I got to adapt this young reader’s version of Jon Meacham’s amazing bio of Thomas Jefferson, and it will be out in September.

Lovely to see all the art in place–portraits of all the major figures, political cartoons from the day, photos from Monticello. It’s going to be a gorgeous book as well as instructive.

Writing and adapting books is how I get my history, these days, and it’s as good a method as any, although a little haphazard at times. (I know a lot about the Elizabethan theater, for example, but only up till 1593, when my book The Secret of the Rose was set. At the moment I’m busy getting a grasp on feudal Japan.) One of the great results of adapting Meacham’s work is that I have a new understanding not just of Thomas Jefferson, but of the American Revolution as a whole, and the way our history fits into the struggle between France and England for dominance of the New World.



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Maranacook High School

Posted by on Apr 4, 2012 in Book: The Dragon's Son, Book: The Manny, Book: The Secret of the Rose, School Visits | 0 comments

They also had matching chef’s hat for my daughter and me!

A shout-out to Bunkie Wilson, librarian extraordinaire, and the book club of the Maranacook High School, who gave me one of the best author visits I’ve had. Enthusiastic prep, intelligent questions, and one of the loveliest gifts a visiting author ever got–a recipe box (they discovered from my online bio that I like to cook) covered with favorite quotes from my novels. (Mercy, of course, plus The Manny, The Secret of the Roseand The Dragon’s Son.) It was so touching to discover, in such detail, exactly what had captured the attention of my readers. Some were my favorites too–some I had completely forgotten writing! But all were great to read. It will have an honored place in my kitchen.

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